Thursday, January 27, 2011

Moron works hard to pay zero attention to his commute

Distractions in the car are dangerous.
Here in my neck of the woods, using any handheld electronic device while driving will get you a hefty fine and likely affect your insurance rates the following year through the "points" system they use. For example, phones must have a handsfree and have a one-touch dialer, and texting/email is totally illegal.
I admit that I don't always adhere 100% to these rules, although I try. When I can't/don't, I adhere to reasonable (I think) personal standards; for example, I never text when the car is moving more than 20 km/h. It's just too dangerous to do otherwise.

The following video shows a bright young spark who's a) flying down the road at highway speeds b) reading a paper book c) using an e-reader, and d) talking on the phone.

What the video doesn't show is that he actually has his laptop open on the passenger seat as well. ;)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Late for work, late for posting

Hi folks,

I feel I should apologize for my tardiness in posting lately. Things have been very busy this past number of months, with a death in the family, the Christmas holidays and all the chaos that goes along with that. 
And then, in an event that seemed entirely too apropos, given my hatred of traffic, our lives were further complicated by a traffic incident.

Mrs. Frustrated was running errands when she was rear-ended by some guy who tried to avoid damage by going around her, but he still clipped the back 3/4 of the vehicle. So, the insurance company says it's a write-off, which means that I have to go vehicle shopping. Sigh.
At least Mrs. Frustrated seems fine (we think)... so that's good news.
For posting, I will try to do the best that I can, and I thank you for your patience.


SARTRE in the wild (literally)

We reported earlier about the EU SARTRE project hitting its one-year anniversary.

Now, our friends at Translogic share a video of a recent road trial on some wilderness-looking highway (albeit, with a single car in the train, and at low speed). Nevertheless, it's not in a lab, and looks promising for the future.
I continue to watch this with great interest!